USPS Pre-hire List:


1. Discipline and Honesty

The Postal Service needs qualified candidates who have strong moral values and are self-disciplined. They should also be able to adhere to USPS rules and regulations without needing supervision. Additionally, the candidates should diligently carry out their tasks and account for their actions by reporting to supervisors. The prospective candidate should also be accountable enough to admit their mistakes without the need to blame others. Lastly, the applicants should be trustworthy when handling company property.

2. Flexibility

The goal of an organization is to provide a positive environment for its employees and to achieve its objectives. The management of an organization should be open to change, be proactive, and be able to preempt changes that may cause stress, frustrations, and disappointments. Candidates who are not willing or unable to handle new and challenging tasks should not be hired into the organization.

3. Collaboration

To be a successful applicant, you must be able to work effectively in a team. You must be skilled in handling conflicts peacefully and be receptive to helping other colleagues and customers. If you are passionate about your work, you will be more than happy to help out others.

4. Communication 

Instructions to carry out the right orders should be carefully followed, and communication should be adequate.

5. Photo Identification

Applicants should have an original photo ID and updated it, and it should be legally obtained from the federal or state government in the USA. This includes: -A driver’s license -A passport -An identification card issued by a state or federal government agency -A military ID -A student ID -An employee ID ..

A driver’s license, military ID, ID card, green card, visa card, employment authorization card and territory ID are all forms of identification. ..

USPS Pre-hire List Stages

Invitation and Preparation

The hiring manager contacts those individuals inviting them for a group interview. One should respond to the main in good time. The hiring manager then sends the location for the interviews and their requirements.

Group Interview

Individuals are briefed about the job requirement, its role and its salary. Everyone in the group should state their name, why they are interested in the position, and their resume. ..

Individual Interview

The interviewees discuss their backgrounds and work experience with USPS. Federal background checks are conducted to verify the individual’s information. If the two information are inconsistent, one is disqualified from the list.

Follow Up Appointment

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has sent an email to the candidates asking them to attend a drug test in person. Candidates should also provide personal details such as social security numbers to USPS’s link to the email. The Postal Service will conduct another interview and offer successful candidates employment if they pass.

How USPS Reviews Employment Application?

HRs later examine the application forms before listing eligible candidates. They check for omissions, untrue statements, the applicants’ employment records, and why they have a gap in their careers. For this reason, candidates must append a signature to their forms and ensure that they countercheck their documents before sending them for any errors.


USP Company provides an induction program for the successful candidates. This program familiarizes them with the company and helps them be more familiar with the place. The company invites successful candidates to USP Company, which provides them with training. USP also shares videos of the job preview to give candidates a glimpse of their expected roles.

What Excludes Candidates from the List?

Candidates who are unavailable for the assessment should ensure that their communication to the company, such as emails sent, has been delivered. Additionally, USPS may exclude a candidate who states their unavailability. Finally, a candidate can also request the company to remove their names from the register. Candidates who request USP to remove their names from the register should request USP consider them for future positions.

Candidates who are not considered applying for a career position while holding a career position in USP are ineligible to apply for a temporary position.

The eligible candidate who passes the screening test may still be excluded from further interviews if they don’t meet the specific job qualifications. For example, a qualified candidate who lacks typing skills is not eligible for qualifications for a typing job. Such candidates are counted as unavailable. Candidates with criminal charges are also excluded from USP’s list until the case is concluded. A candidate can be excluded for a maximum period of 3 years.


The USPS Pre-hire List is a compilation of candidates who have been deemed qualified for the position of mail carrier. Candidates must meet certain qualifications in order to be considered for the list, such as having a valid driver’s license and being able to pass a criminal background check. Applicants who are not recommended for the position may be on the list because they do not meet all of the qualifications required, or because there are concerns about their past employment or communication skills. ..

After how long should USPS expect feedback?

The US Postal Service takes a maximum of one month to provide feedback to applicants.

The USPS exams are difficult, but they are also important.

The exams for the job market can be either easy or hard. The general test includes the personality test and the memory test. Most people consider the memory test a bit more challenging.