The cutoff time for overnight shipping at most U.S. post offices is usually around 6 p.m., but it can vary depending on the office’s closing time. The truck usually leaves around 6 p.m., but you should try to pick up your shipment at least fifteen minutes before the deadline. ..

The USPS’ overnight shipping service is the best way to send a last-minute package to someone. It gets delivered quickly and most people have embraced this system when they have a deadline. Keep reading as we will explore more about the USPS and its cut-off.

What Is USPS Cut-Off Time?

The cutoff time for Priority Mail Express is 5:30 pm to 5:45 pm. This cutoff time is in place to ensure that packages sent through USPS’ overnight service, otherwise known as Priority Mail Express, will be sent out in the same day’s mail.

The Post Office closes at 6 pm on most days, so it’s important to drop your package off before then to ensure that it will be delivered with the overnight packages.

Although the best time to send your package to the USPS office is between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m., it is advisable to check the business hours at your local Post Office, as some close earlier than others. You should also inquire about the cut-off time for accepting overnight packages, as this may be earlier than you expect. A package’s cut-off time could be as early as 3:00 pm, depending on how far it needs to travel.

What Is The Importance Of The USPS Cutoff Time?

If you’re mailing Priority Mail Express items, arriving before closing is essential. If USPS fails to deliver your product within the 1- to 2-day time window, you may receive a refund.

Priority Mail Express packages are delivered quickly and efficiently by USPS. To honour the service pledge, the cutoff time for Priority Mail Express packages is 2 p.m. on Tuesdays. This allows post office staff to sort, scan, and load mail onto outgoing trucks in a timely manner.

The Postal Service is delivering mail during business hours, which may be an issue and cause delays despite the fast shipping. If no one is present, the mail carrier will be unable to deliver the package, resulting in a waste of money because the addressee will not receive the package that day.

A Virtual Mailbox is a great way to send mail without having to worry about the recipient being there. It’s safe and can be sent at any time, no matter where the recipient is. This is a great solution if you are constantly mailing products that your recipient needs to be there to accept. ..

When Does The USPS Stop Delivering Mail?

This change is effective starting on October 1, 2018. The standard delivery window for mail delivered by USPS officials will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day starting on October 1, 2018.

The delivery window for local mail carriers is a little wider than usual. This is because many local mail carriers will arrive at their post office or mail distribution location earlier than usual.

Mail carriers are eager to help load their vehicles so they can get to their routes and deliver packages and parcels more quickly. Many mail carriers start the day by leaving the post office or mail distribution centre an hour or more before 8:00 a.m. ..

This means that, depending on the circumstances, mail and packages will often be delivered between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.

How Does The United States Postal Service Determine Overnight Cutoff Times?

The post office’s closing time determines the overnight mail cutoff times. The cutoff time for many sites is a little before 6:00 p.m. Even yet, the 6:00 p.m. deadline is not a hard and fast regulation. ..

USPS transportation schedules and delivery obligations in specific localities determine when a post office will close. The cutoff time may be sooner if the site is in a rural area far from a postal processing facility or an airport.

What Happens If The Postal Service Doesn’t Deliver On Time? 

The USPS makes mistakes from time to time, and even guaranteed mail is unlikely to arrive 100% of the time. So, what are your options now? Fortunately, these are guaranteed arrival time frames, so if the slot is not filled, you can obtain a full refund for all associated postal charges. Within 30 days of mailing it, you will receive a refund. ..

If your package is not delivered on time, you may be able to get it back for a full refund or credit.

If you’re paying for expedited shipping, make sure to check that the item arrives by 10:30 a.m. If not, make sure it gets there before 3 p.m. If not, you may be able to get your sending costs reimbursed. Keep your receipt safe at all times.


If you’re mailing something through USPS, chances are you’re on a tight deadline and need your product to arrive as soon as possible. If this is the case, find out when your local Post Office will stop receiving mail. It’s usually around 5:30 p.m. or 5:45 p.m., but try to arrive early to minimize any last-minute snags or stress. ..